About Us

Benefits of Organic Lawn Care

Linchpin Turf Maintenance, a full-service custom lawn restoration company located in Southern Maryland. We are an accredited organic lawn care company striving to be good stewards of the environment.

Are you tired of using harsh chemicals and synthetic fertilizers on your lawn? Switching to organic lawn care can provide numerous benefits for both you and your lawn. 

By using compost and compost tea as a natural fertilizer, you can improve soil health and promote strong root growth. Compost is rich in organic matter and beneficial microorganisms that can help your lawn thrive without the need for harmful chemicals. Additionally, compost can help retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for frequent watering.

Aeration and dethatching are also important components of organic lawn care. Aeration involves creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass. This process can improve soil compaction, alleviate water runoff, and promote healthy root growth. Dethatching, on the other hand, involves removing the build-up of dead grass and other organic material on the surface of your lawn. This can help improve airflow and reduce the risk of disease and pest infestations.

Lastly, overseeding can help your lawn maintain a thick and healthy appearance. By adding new grass seed to your lawn, you can fill in thin or bare spots and improve overall grass density. This can help prevent weeds from taking over your lawn and promote a lush, green appearance.

Overall, organic lawn care using compost, compost tea, aeration, dethatching, and overseeding can provide numerous benefits for your lawn and the environment. By promoting healthy soil and grass growth without the use of harmful chemicals, you can enjoy a beautiful and sustainable lawn for years to come.

Why Linchpin Turf Maintenance?

A Linchpin is considered a person or thing regarded as an essential coordinating element. We are the alternative to traditional lawn care and pride ourselves on being such. We are educated in the field of organic lawn care and provide our customers with the information needed to maintain a healthy lawn, organically.


Licensed and Insured


Educated in organic lawn maintenance practices


Detailed oriented and customer focused


Available (We answer the phone)


Uniformed technicians are background cleared


Scheduled reminders and notifications